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Owner-operator trucking – How to deal with all the tasks and the challenges?

Owner-operator truckers not only have to be capable of driving their trucks but they also have to possess a number of skills when it comes to managing a business. If you plan on becoming an owner-operator, remember that being one means having a lot of responsibility that standard commercial drivers do not have to worry about. Record-keeping, repairs, fuel, maintenance, freight rate negotiations and locating the freight that needs to be shipped are just some of the things an owner-operator needs to manage, things like his owner operator pay.

As an independent owner-operator, one of your most time-consuming and troublesome tasks will be record-keeping. Proper record-keeping is a basic requirement for being DOT compliant. For this matter, you must ensure that you are properly prepared for a DOT safety audit of your trucking endeavor at any time.

Simple record keeping

To make the book-keeping task somewhat simpler, you can rely on a number of trucking management software suites and programs. A reliable trucking software will allow you to easily and accurately track your expenses and incomes, freight shippers, maintenance and freight brokers. It can even help you with the taxes, as well. This kind of a software will also allow you to quickly locate and access past hauling and shipping jobs and their rates, so as to make a more informed decision on a current hauling job.


InsuranceNext up, let’s focus on the insurance. Once a commercial trucker gets his/her truck insurance, paying that insurance rate each month becomes very simple because he/she doesn’t have to think about anything else. Insurance rates are prone to changing, and while insurance companies are usually quick at notifying policy holders in regards to any increases, they usually do not send out notifications in regards to any reductions. Remember that trucking companies, such as the Status Transportation Corporation, will inform their own truckers about these, but there will be no one to inform you.

An owner-operator needs to check with his/her insurance company at least once a year and ask about any insurance rate reductions. The driving record, the driver’s experience, as well as his/her age, are all taken into consideration. Once a particular set milestone is reached, these factors can lead to a reduction of the insurance rate. When looking for a better insurance deal, keep in mind that it would be a good idea to shop around for lower insurance rates, from time to time.

Proper maintenance

Proper truck maintenance is one of the critical aspects of any truck hauling endeavor. Remember that your truck will serve both as your home and your office. If you find yourself with a simple flat tire, a hundred miles away from the nearest service station, you will not only suffer financially, but it will also take your precious time away from being on the road. A thorough and highly detailed inspection before each trip, both short and long-distance, should be one of your top priorities, as it can end up saving a lot of your valuable time and money.

Regular maintenance

Man looking to a truck engineAlso, make sure that your truck goes through regular maintenance at all appropriate hours or miles. Many owner-operator truckers usually neglect the small things, which can usually lead to big problems. Trying to contend with all the information and bookkeeping, while trying to haul as much freight as possible, usually, leaves very little time for maintenance and other important business aspects. However, always keep in mind that proper and thorough maintenance can save you thousands of dollars in the long run, as well as keep you from failing an unexpected DOT inspection.…

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Benefits Of Lawyers In Home Ownership

Home ownership is probably one of the biggest investments one makes in life. Moreover, with the growth in the real estate attractive property options have cropped up everywhere increasing the attractiveness of home ownership. However, not everyone is an expert in real estate, therefore, to avoid entering into bogus contracts, it is essential to solicit professional assistance from legal experts. While the services of an attorney may seem at first as an addition to the home buying transaction it is considered money well spent and accrues the following benefits to the homeowner;

Negotiating contracts

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Property ownership transactions involve detailed negotiations on the property details and legally binding contracts. Therefore, the presence of a lawyer can assist to negotiate on behalf of the client who ensures that the right deal is reached and that the details of a contract are well understood and adhere to state laws and regulations. Moreover, the homeowner can understand specific issues that regard future property usage.  Hence, before signing the home ownership contract, it is important to have a lawyer identify and remove any legal glitches and effect appropriate changes as well as insert special contingencies before signing the binding legal home ownership contract.

Addressing judgments and liens

It is easy for potential homeowners to be conned into buying a property that liens attached to it. Legally, a property with a lien means that it has been placed as collateral or security for a loan. This way the property has split ownership between the lender and the property owner hence the property owner has no full right for selling the property. Hence, by using a professional lawyer who conducts a title search about the property to ensure that the property on the market has no hidden encumbrances such as a lien or proceeding court injunctions that will deny the homeowner full ownership right.

Property transfer

After the negotiation on the property chosen one then proceeds to the actual property transfer. A lawyer may hasten the process by acting fast to seal the deal on behalf on their client. Hence, the transfer process may be guided by the attorney to ensure that no alterations or violations of trust or cooperation are experienced and that state laws are observed.

Proper filings

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Every home ownership deal involves filling in legal forms that constitute part of the contract. These documents are legally binding hence should be stored safely for future ease. An attorney will assist to guarantee that the filled details conform to the existing state regulations and laws. For more information about stucco, click on the highlighted link.…