Even tougher than rocket science and quantum physics is the very thought of saying goodbye forever to the one you hold so dear and close to your heart. The harsh reality that dawns on you about the fact of your loved one’s demise makes you feel like you are slowly crumbling into pieces and your thoughts are gradually becoming a pile of ruins like a city whose army has been defeated and captured. The unexplainable pain and mood of sadness that rents the air and then engulfs your entire being is enough to tell you that there is no escape.Man on Formal Suit

Once it all happens, what next?

You have to pull yourself together and compose yourself for the rest of the process to go on. You now have to start thinking about how to get the body from the morgue and prepare it for the cremation or burial ceremonies. Any of these can take place, provided you follow the last wishes of your departed loved one.

How To make a funeral personal

When you consider the fact that you will never get another chance to say goodbye and pay your last respects, you will do everything possible to make it a very special moment that will never escape your mind as long as you live. You can make a funeral personal by singing a song to honor your departed love. I have heard it said that songs have the power to communicate with someone’s spirit. The funeral is your best time to let it all out and let people know how you truly feel knowing that you will never see the face of the one you are about to bury.

At the eulogy session, you can conjure up some fond memories that will lighten up the mood in the entire setting and put a smile on their tear-filled faces. Better still, bring up some hilarious memories that you two shared, in a bid to make people forget the sorrow and pain and escape it all even if it is but for a minute.
You can also read aloud a poem that you wrote to describe how you feel having the chance to have known the deceased at a personal level.

Coping with the planning and expenses

CorsagePlanning a funeral can be a very expensive affair especially when you weren’t prepared to shoulder such an untimely circumstance. But having a funeral insurance plan can be important. It will cater for the funeral costs thereby reducing the burden on the deceased family.

Obituaries, casket, flowers, transportation of the body are just but a few of the expenses staring at you and demanding to be adhered to with immediate effect. If the deceased did not have a funeral insurance cover, be sure not to stress yourself. Make the funeral arrangements according to the size of your pocket.

Overcoming that painful moment

After all, is said and done, what’s next? However painful, just walk away to a lonely place, take your time and cry your heart. You will come to realize that this is so healthy and therapeutic and you will feel much lighter.